How to Create Team Culture

We all have experiences from which we can draw valuable lessons and this blog comes from my own past and lessons i’ve learned on How to Create Team Culture.

From growing a team at the salon, to a team of 55,000+ in my first network marketing company to the new team I am leading now.

I have 17 years of experience, and creating culture has been my number one priority this time around. It has never been a huge priority to me in business because I didn’t really get it, yet I knew I needed to give more attention to it. 

So from what i’ve learned from doing it wrong, or ignoring it I am going to share some simple ways to create team culture that sets everyone up to win! 

When you have a group of independently talented people on a team in which they can combine their talents, not only will a incredible amount of energy and creativity be released, their performance, loyalty and engagement will be greatly improved.

Before I joined the company I’m in now, I said to myself “If I build another company, it has to be fun and rewarding for every single person...No exceptions”

There are so many reasons that people join a network marketing business and it’s not just the money.

People want to be a part of something bigger than themselves. They want to feel special, they want the sense of belonging, they want to give back, they want to contribute more.

As a leader, if you understand this, you can create a team culture that people will never want to leave even if they’re not making the BIG money yet.

Most the people on our team aren’t in it for the money. They don’t build a sales team and they just want to travel and have fun with us.

Here are a handful of steps on How to Create Team Culture:

Have Fun

It’s simple: a little fun goes a long way. Engage with your team in activities that have nothing to do with business or working. 

For example: As a team go indoor rock climbing, have a campfire, drink coffee on a zoom, go to a wine tasting or hold a contest. Just do something out of context and give people the freedom to get to know each other, relax, show up in a different way and have fun.

Get your Team to drink the kool-aid

Hands down, everyone needs to be a believer. If you don’t stand for anything, you stand for nothing.
Share the vision for the team and company. 
Educate them on the products, and services. Get them plugged into your team group and introduce them to everyone. 

work as a team

Stop thinking of people in terms of “ranks” or “leadership level.” You’re all part of the same team, so act like it. Rank doesn’t make you more qualified than anyone else, it doesn’t make you a better person.
Rallying around the idea “we’re all in this together” builds a sense of unity and community, which fosters culture and everyone will rise and stick around.

The best people are team players who truly support the company, its founders, management and co-workers.


I’ve learned over the past 17 years that people will work harder for recognition than a paycheck.

So how do you keep people on your team motivated?

You recognize their efforts AND results.

Recognize them in your team Facebook group, send a team email out, feature them on your Blog if you have one (you should have one).

Any way that you can think of to publicly recognize greatness on your team….. DO IT.

What gets rewarded and recognized gets repeated! 


Go on trips, go to live events, rent a chalet in the mountains or a big beach house! Get together and make memories!! 
Bond, build team culture and watch your business blossom. 


Social Media Makeover – Learn More
Clean up your social media to start attracting more of the right people to you that want to learn more about what you do and what you have to offer.

Map Out Your IG Brand and Posts…Learn More
Create a game plan to dominate IG without losing your mind and spending more time not getting the results you want. 

Work with me – Learn More
If you are looking to grow an online business and want to see if we would be a fit to work together fill out the application. 

Messy Buns and Business – Come Join Us
A place where entrepreneurs can toss their hair up, share ideas, cuss and have fun! 


Together, you can conquer that fear and design a life of your wildest dreams. I have found a better way and it is possible for you also.

I want to show you how I gave up working 6 days a week and 70+ hours a week behind the chair as a salon owner and created a multi 6 figure a year income from my Smartphone, all while sending more time with the people and things that mean the most to me in life. Let’s do this together. 

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