LIZ MEDLEY Beauty Blog

Liz Medley Blog

All the beauty blog resources, training, support & community you need to grow your Personal Brand & Income while feeling your best.

Beauty Blog


Alright, folks, welcome to the cozy corner of the internet where beauty isn’t just skin deep—it’s a love affair with skincare routines, the scoop on beauty products, and all things anti-aging. We’re talking a beauty blog that’s practically your BFF when it comes to navigating the vast sea of lotions, potions, and serums aimed at keeping you looking fab.

Who finds a home here? Anti-aging seekers who are trying to outsmart the clock, and busy moms who barely have time to brush their hair, let alone decode the ingredient list on the latest retinol cream. Both are in search of simple, effective beauty solutions that slide into their hectic lives smoother than a fresh face mask on a Sunday night.

The mission, should you choose to accept (and why wouldn’t you?), is to dig into skincare routines that don’t require a calendar alert, honest reviews on products that promise to turn back time (or at least make it look like you have), and the lowdown on beauty society goodies that are actually worth your moola.

This isn’t about complicating your life with 10-step routines that leave you more tangled than your teenage daughter’s hair straightener cord. It’s about finding that sweet spot where efficacy meets simplicity. It’s about trusting someone who’s sifted through the good, the bad, and the downright oily, so you can boost your beauty game, nail that anti-aging routine, and still have time to enjoy that hot cup of coffee in the morning—because, hey, busy moms, you’ve earned it.

In short, if you’re looking to glam up your skincare routine without cramping your style (or sanity), you’re in the right spot. Stick around, because things are just getting interesting!