Do you want to be a top earner in your company?

Hey Everybody!

Do you want to be the top earner in your network marketing business or in your company?

I’m going to share with you 7 areas to work on to gain skills and grow your business. I’m going to share with you several skills that helped me get to a 6 figure income.

I am so excited to share this information with you!

  1. Making friends. Building a genuine friendship, building report, and connecting with common ground. I get paid to make friends. This is my favorite part about this business!
  2. Inviting people: Invite people to look at your business opportunity. Show them what you have to offer. You are essentially sorting and sifting.
  3. Presenting: You are presenting the business to them either through a 3rd party tool, 3 way phone call, live event, or presentation. You are showing what the business has to offer. Use these 3rd party tools to grow your business.
  4. Following up: Following up for sales or business opportunity. Timing is everything. Maybe now is not the right time. Let them know you will follow up in a few months when something exciting is happening with the company. Never stop following up until they say NO. It’s not that they don’t like you. It’s not that they don’t like your product. The timing is not right. Following up is key to success!
  5. Personal development: I spend 30 minutes a day reading or learning about the industry and how I can step you my greatness. Maybe you have social anxiety, fear, or time management walls. Break them down by doing 30 minutes of personal development. Learn how to clear these walls and discover your own greatness.
  6. Closing: Either closing sales or a business opportunity. Really, really let these words soak in.. Work smarter not harder. The more skills you learn you won’t work so hard. You will realize how great and rewarding this opportunity is.
  7. Mindset: Mindset is everything! Henry Ford said“Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t you’re right”. If people are telling you you can’t. You better use that to fuel your fire. Don’t believe them! If you truly want it you will find a way!

I believe in you, I hope you believe in yourself!

Love always,

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    1. When you offered the opportunity to everyone who wanted to place an order did majority of them start selling? I seem to get a lot of kitnappers vs. women who want to make this a business.

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