How to Use Facebook Messenger Bots to Grow Your Business

Have you ever wanted to know how to use Facebook messenger bots to build your business?

Don’t know what a Facebook messenger bot is or how you can use it to grow your business?

If you need more leads and sales in your business then you’ll want to remove all distractions and dive into this training. I am going to drop some BOMBS

I’m going to share with you:

  • What a Facebook messenger bot is 
  • Who should use Facebook Messenger bots
  • How you can use it to keep your world full of interested prospects that are perfect for your products, services and business
  • How you can use it to automate your prospecting process so you’re not spending hours and hours on Facebook just trying to start conversations with people
  • Where to get more support in setting up your Facebook messenger bot

How To Use Facebook Messenger Bots To Grow Your Business

I’ve personally seen amazing results with using Facebook messenger. I’m not even using it to its full potential…so of course I turn to The Prepared Performer, Molly Mahoney when I have Facebook Messenger bot questions because she’s the expert on this.

What is a facebook messenger bot? 
Bots are programmed to understand questions, provide answers, and execute tasks. … A Facebook Messenger bot is a chatbot that lives in in Facebook Messenger. It interacts in real time with your audience. 

Why use a Facebook messenger bot?

When Facebook messenger bots first came out, Molly was all up on it. She was the first online entrepreneur who I knew was using it, crushing it and teaching others to do the same.

My friend Molly reached out to me about bots it made me nervous about adding one more thing to my plate and scared of the tech side of it. Finally I tried it, the engagement the live got was off the charts and I am officially in love with BOTS!

Now it’s one of the main avenues I use to communicate with my audience because it’s an incredible way to engage with them.

Engagement through Facebook messenger bot is so great because it really makes you memorable to your audience.

Facebook messenger bots Increase Engagement.

In today’s online and social media driven world, it’s all about engagement.

I see business’ and brands that can build an audience, but aren’t engaging their audience. SO….it’s useless.

At the end of the day, it really is all about who is engaging with your content.

This is why Facebook messenger and messenger bots are an incredible tool. A lot of people are on Facebook messenger and people are checking messenger before they are even getting to their email. 

Some people even check their Facebook messenger before they check their text messages! MIND BLOWN!!!

FB Messenger is a great way to get in front of people and know that when you message them, you message is being seen and quickly. 

Who should use Messenger bots to grow their business?

The majority of my audience are network marketers, personal brands and online entrepreneurs. I truly believe that Facebook messenger bot is a great tool for you to scale your business!

Not only can bots grow your business, but using a Facebook messenger bot will save you so much time. 

One of the best ways to use Facebook messenger is to capture niche leads.

From a business standpoint, capturing unique or niche leads is important for you so you aren’t spending time talking to everyone. 

A lot of times bots are used to pre-qualify leads, and that is where Facebook messenger bot comes in and saves the day with the amount of time it saves. 

 You can pre-qualify your leads with a series of predetermined questions and even give them answers to choose from before you really go in and talk to your prospect.

You are going to save time, you really get to know your prospects needs, who they are  and you can make a lot more happen in your business by freeing up this time.

Where to start with setting up facebook Messenger BOts?

Using Facebook messenger bot is like planning a vacation for yourself. You can do whatever you want.

You can set up your bot to answer specific questions where your bot engages the person based on their answer before you personally talk to them.

Using Facebook messenger bot is about saving time with automation. Instead of responding one by one to inquiries or answering the same questions over and over again. Facebook messenger bot can tell you the level of interest, answer common questions for you and really get to know your audience.

Like a mentor of mine said, if you have something that you do over and over again, find a way to automate it.

Facebook messenger bot is one way to do this!!  For more support in getting started check out my friend Molly’s Bot Building Workshop!!

how do you grow your messenger bot?

Bots can be activated through the clicking of a link. SO adding them to  your bio in a clickable area. Or installing it on your website. 
Example: by going to the website that is going to automatically put you on my bot list to get reminders before I go live every Tuesday at 10:30 am EST. It’s a bot link!

During my weekly LIVE trainings I ask viewers to comment “Show Notes” or “Liz List” to get the written version of my show. By commenting on the live or posts with a certain Trigger word it will set the bot off to do what it is made to do! 

Even going into message the FB page the bot can prompt you to start a certain conversation. Or to get the answer to certain questions. 

Bots allow you to message a lot of people with a few simple clicks!! 

Facebook Messenger Bot - wrap up

Facebook messenger bots are a great tool to automate social media and to grow your business.

It will help you spend your time focusing on those who like, enjoy and are engaging in your content on social media. Making it simpler for you to turn your engagement into profits.

To get more support and to be able to bring leads and sales in on autopilot 

If you want to consistently bring in engagement and clients from your live videos, and social media posts, my friend Molly who taught me everything about bots is here to give you that support. 

In this Done With You workshop you will learn to build the exact ChatBots I use to grow my businesses and make an impact.


Social Media Makeover – Learn More
Clean up your social media to start attracting more of the right people to you that want to learn more about what you do and what you have to offer.

Map Out Your IG Brand and Posts…Learn More
Create a game plan to dominate IG with out loosing your mind and spending more time not getting the results you want. 

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