How To Become an Influencer

You want to be an influencer?

By building a following online through Instagram, YouTube, Facebook. TikTok or any other Social Platform right now… you can make a lot of money as an influencer if you do it right.

Maybe you already have a product or service and you want to sell more of it!!!

Being an influencer can help make that happen!

I’m going to share with you how to become an Influencer and more importantly…how to monetize your Influence so that you can make a BIG impact and make an income.

How To Become An Influencer That Earns A Full Time Income Online

I see a couple things that are happening in the online influencer world.

One is…I see a lot of people on social media that have big, massive followings on Instagram, TikTik and other social platforms, yet they’re NOT making any money.

The second think I notice is the bombastic influencers out who are putting out incredible content and an audience that loves their post and pictures, but they’re not making consistent residual income like they should.

If you’re an influencer or you want to become an influencer you have got to make sure you do it right.

answer these questions first if you want to become an influencer

The first thing I want you to do is answer these questions.

  • Why do you want to be an influencer?
  • Do you have a service or product that you’re already selling?
  • Are you partnering up with companies that have products and services?
  • Do you want to get a specific message out there to create change?
  • Do you want to create a product or service and sell it?

Spend some time answering these questions. It will help you gain a lot of clarity.

Be an influencer that serves people

The next question you need to answer is….

Who do you want to serve and who do you want to help?

Being an influencer, might not be exactly what you think. It has nothing to do with you and has everything to do with the people that you are consistently showing up to serve and support online.

Think about who you want to surround yourself with online to help you answer that question.

Once you understand who you want to surround yourself with and support, think about what is important to them and what do they need help with.
What are their pain points.

You have to speak to them and to the conversation that is already going on in their head. How can you serve, entertain and most importantly help them.

  • What do they want?
  • What do they need?
  • How can you help them?

Pick the Social Media outlet where you’ll become an influencer

Now you just need to decide where you’re going to consistently show up.

This is very important….Just know that to be an influencer you don’t have to be everywhere all the time.

You don’t have to be on all of the social media platforms.

However, you do have to pick one platform and OWN IT!

Decide will it be YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Snapchat.

Once you decide on the social media outlet you will have to show up consistently.

To be a successful influencer you need a content creation plan

My biggest suggestion is to build a content calendar that you’re going to use each week. At least 1 post a day where you are showing up!!

Those posts are to educate, entertain, and support the people you are wanting to help.

So think about the things that you can post that can serve them on a daily basis and get them ready a head of time so they are ready to go.

Whatever platform it is that you’re showing up on if possible, do videos.

It is the single most fastest way right now to build your brand and become an influencer.

If you are choosing Instagram as your main social media outlet, I highly suggest checking out the How To Map out your Brand and Post Planner course. It is TOP NOTCH!

PRO TIP: The coolest content planner and poster right now that influencers around the globe are using is SmarterQue.

Become an influencer with a real business that earns real money

Once you’ve figured out who you’re talking to and you start putting out valuable content…you’ve got to earn some money.

Here is what I do and I think  you should do the same.

I created a document that I can access from my computer and my phone called Affiliate List.

It’s a list of All of the products and services that I use and can promote to my audience. I know my audience will find value in it and I’ll get paid an affiliate commission on it.

This can be done with Amazon products, network marketing products or affiliate products.

You can recommend your own products or services.

If you aren’t an affiliate of anyone’s products or services and you want to find products to be an affiliate of you can go to or JVZoo just to name a few. 

****Make sure it’s products that your audience would find value in.

So make a list of all of the things that you can recommend in your posts and videos that will compensate you financially for sharing them.

How to promote products and services when you become an influencer

When you do your posts or videos you’ll want to make recommendations from your affiliate list that go along with that post topic or the video content. It needs to be relevant. 

Once you have a post or video out on social media or YouTube…it will working for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Non stop!!

So get those affiliate links together and out there because the more links that you have online, the more opportunities you have to create this full-time residual income.

When to promote products and services when you become an influencer

How often should you be promoting products or services that make you some money?

I try and follow the 80/20 rule.

80% of the time I’m sharing just value, and then 20% of the time it is value plus an affiliate link or resource that actually produces and income.

Remember, when your posting and doing videos you will spend more time giving value than promoting something.

How to Become an influencer - wrap up

I want you to get the most out your hard work and efforts and to do this you want to have a plan in place.

I see so many people with awesome content and huge followings, yet they’re making little to no money. And that BREAKS MY HEART!

You can be an influencer earning a full-time income if you follow these steps I’ve laid out for you.

Check out the resources in the show notes below for more amazing resources.


Social Media Makeover – Learn More
Clean up your social media to start attracting more of the right people to you that want to learn more about what you do and what you have to offer.

Map Out Your IG Brand and Posts…Learn More
Create a game plan to dominate IG with out loosing your mind and spending more time not getting the results you want. 

Work with me – Learn More
If you are looking to grow an online business and want to see if we would be a fit to work together fill out the application. 

Messy Buns and Business – Come Join Us
A place where entrepreneurs can toss their hair up, share ideas, cuss and have fun! 

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