How to Follow up in Sales without Feeling Weird.

We often heard this from business owners that fortune is in the follow-up. There was a time in my life when I was afraid to follow-up, but I had to do it for the benefit of my own business. People don’t do follow-ups due to the fear of being rejected or annoying.

Think of the time when a person followed-up with you, and you were like, “Thanks for following-up; I just needed it.” Most of the time, people forget about your business when it is not their priority, but when you regularly follow-up, it will definitely increase your sales. So if you are one of them who feels weird when it comes to following-up, you need to read the complete article

Do you ever feel like a pain when you are following up? Like you are bugging the person?

Be Considerate

It might be possible for you to call someone for a follow-up but at the wrong time. If they say, “I am busy right now,” you shouldn’t feel ashamed and end the conversation right away. That’s when it becomes really awkward for both of you. Instead, you should ask them, “What is the best time to call you?” After that, call them when they told you to do so.

Give a Reference of the Previous Call

You can’t expect people to remember everything you talked about for the first time. So whenever you called them, give them a recap of your previous call. Say that “You told me to call today as you were busy last time, what is it now?” It will create a spark in their memory, and they will be more interested in the conversation.

Provide Valuable Information

Follow-ups shouldn’t revolve around your business; rather, it should focus on the needs of the customers. Whether it is a product launch or a sale is going on, if your customer has shown interest, then you should send the information. Otherwise, it may be annoying for them.

How to Follow-Up?

Two Hours

If someone fills the newsletter on your website or messages you on your business page, try to respond to them within two hours. It is not always possible, but you should try your best to make initial contact within two hours. Introduce them if they don’t already know you and thank them for joining you. Also, don’t forget to send your contact details in case they need you.

Two Days

Within two days of signing up, you can introduce yourself and thanks to them for joining you. Send them all the necessary information they need to know. Also, you can ask questions about them so you can know more about your audience.

Two Weeks

Now is the time to follow-up. After the two weeks of sending the product or giving the service, ask them about their experience. If they tell you they are busy, ask what time is the best? Start or end of the week? If the answer is the end of the week, ask Thursday or Friday? If the answer is Friday, ask noon or evening? In this way, you will be more specific about their timing.

Two Months

After every two months, you should send them a follow-up message, call or email about your latest product or any sale going on. Don’t forget to reintroduce yourself briefly and give them a reference to your product or service they once bought.

Wrapping Up

If following-up scares you and you feel weird, it is okay! Following-up is a skill which you will learn with time. Trust me, people will never feel weird unless you make them feel weird. At the start, you may not do your best, but you will learn over time. Watch videos about following-up and keep practicing, you will quickly master.

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