WARNING explicit language Stop using your why as your why not.

Today I want to talk to you about using your why as your why not. I’m going to try to hold the passion down a little bit because it fires me up.

I was working 70 hours a week. I was in the worst place, mentally, physically, spiritually that I’ve ever been in. I had a two-year-old. I just want a new house with my husband and I did not need to take on anything else. I would find five minutes here to work this business. I was a hair stylist and salon owner. I had no retirement fund. I knew that this was a way to get me there.

Does building a business takes sacrifices? Yes! A lot of things take the sacrifices. Your job takes sacrifices. I hear people say when they started on this business that they want to do it for their children then all of a sudden they tell you that they need to have more time for their children. You’re doing this business for your kids. Your Children deserve you to work. They deserve this business. They deserve this opportunity that you have to work this business to change their future. Stop using your why as your why not. It’s just a dirty excuse. It’s freaking dirty.

You’re doing the business because you don’t want to go to work for someone else. Don’t say I can’t do this business because I need some quality time with my children because you’re doing this for your children. Network marketing has changed my life.

There’s over 40,000 of us. It’s changed so many people’s lives because we were intentional about what we were sacrificing. We weren’t sacrificing the relationship with our children. We weren’t sacrificing the relationships with our spouses or our friends.Β  We gave up scrolling through Facebook so now being in the scroll hole. We gave up some sleep. I would work this business driving at 25-minute commute.

To be able to bring my husband home from work, to be able to travel the world, to be able to afford my daughter’s wedding in the future and to be able to afford to send her to College. That’s why I’m doing this business.

Most people I speak to want some sort of success in their life. Yet the fear of success is one of those fears that most people won’t face eitherΒ personally or as anΒ entrepreneur!

Together, you can conquer that fear and design a life of your wildest dreams.Β I haveΒ found a better way and it is possible for you also.

Let me show you how I gave up working 6 days a week and 70+ hours a week behind the chair as a salon owner and created a multi 6 figure a year income from my Smart Phone, all whileΒ sending more timeΒ with the people and things that mean the most to me in life. Let’s do this together.Β 

SUBSCRIBE to my youtube channel » http://bit.ly/2EnizeJ for new videos! 


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If you are building your business and brand on social media you need this 5 day social media OVERHAUL. Most people I work with need this 5 day online course, because what they are doing isn’t working.Β http://www.MySocialMediaMakeover.com

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  1. What I needed to come across today! I cant wait til I can resign under you..I love your passion. Learning what I can before that day comes so I can hit the ground running this time. My son deserves it πŸ’™

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