Why You Are NOT HITTING Your New Year Goals.

It is the beginning of the year and you are FIRED up for what you are going to accomplish in the up coming year. NEW YEAR, NEW YOU! Nothing is going to STOP you. It’s time to get control back of your life, get healthy, make more money and SLAY! I feel you.

I have set myself some pretty large goals for this year. Like goals so BIG it freaks me out. I know we are only a week into the new year, however there is NO doubt in my mind I will make it happen. I believe 100% nothing can stop me besides death.

I know you have the belief that comes with the new year. It’s like a natural HIGH! You know you are going to do it. Nothing is stopping you. You have already bought the new work out clothes, the water bottle that reminds you “it’s time to drink more water”, You bought all new storage and organizing totes for your home office, you bought the poster board, collected magazines and have everything you need for your vision board. You Have BELIEF, You’ll start tomorrow, you know what? You have all year you’ll start next week.

Before you know it July is here and you like over 92% of other humans who made new year goals stop. SO what is missing? What happens to so many that they slow down, stop and  give up on their goals.

Let me SHARE with you the 3 things that keeps me on Course, Keep me Freaking Pumped up and how I take massive Action all year long to accomplish what I set out at the beginning of the year.

1. MINDSET (belief) – Believing in yourself and knowing that you can accomplish what you set your mind to. Knowing obstacles will arise, life will get busy, the unexpected shows up AND you keep your eye on the prize. You stay in the game!

2. Plan/RoadMap/Skills (clarity) –  Having clarity on where you are, and what it is going to take to get you to where you want to be. Knowing what steps it is going to take to get you what you want and learning new skills to make it happen. Often time learning skills, will support you in working smarter, not harder.

3. Action – Doing activities every single day, to get you one day closer to the end result. Identify what needs to happen every quarter of the year to hit your goal, then break those action steps down farther. What needs to happen each month, each week and what needs to happen daily to make your dream a reality.
Make the action steps bite size, look at all the little things that will make a big difference. Don’t overwhelm yourself with the end result, direct your goal and simplify it!

There is a meme floating around the cyber world that says, “you believed in Santa for 8 years, you can believe in yourself for a minute.” It’s true!! You have got this. Put your goals up where you can see them daily. Set alarms, tell the world and that will help hold you accountable.

I believe in your, believe in yourself and PLAY BIG!

If you want to take your business and personal life to the next level, and start working smart lets do it together. Register here to learn more http://lizmedley.pages.ontraport.net/90DayPush


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