Creating A Life By Design

I love it when you meet someone and you just click! That’s what happened when I met Diane Halfman and today we had such a great conversation about making things happen by choice and not leaving our life up to chance!

It started in about 2006, I was in business for about three years and I was working really really hard. I was missing out on the people and things that meant the most to me and I couldn’t find that harmony or that balance. I had really big goals and really big dreams and I knew wholeheartedly without a doubt it was going to happen but I didn’t want to have to keep sacrificing my most important things and that is my family, people, and their relationships.

I had these huge goals. I asked myself, how can you start working smarter and not harder? I took these big, massive goals and asked myself what do you want to accomplish this year? Then it still seemed I wasn’t moving fast enough and so I wanted to get to these goals quicker and feel that accomplishment. But, then again I was still sacrificing my family and my friends and so instead of looking at what I wanted to accomplish for the year.

What do you want to accomplish over the next 90 days? Let’s start at 90 days. I was longing for that sense of accomplishment and that fulfillment of getting things done and scratching stuff off. Even from taking it from a year to 90 days helps tremendously. From 90 days I started breaking it down to monthly, weekly and daily. What do I need to do daily to give me my entrepreneur spirit that fulfillment without sacrificing my friends and family.

Making little micro goals allowed me to have that satisfaction of accomplishment and it freed up my time. I started working smarter and not harder and being very intentional where I was spending my time and it changed everything. I’m breaking down my goals, dissecting my goals. I actually use a planner, pen, and paper and add stickers and make it all fun and I spend a lot of time in there. I know this activity is going to get me one week closer to my monthly goal. It’s all those little things that do make a big difference. It can be overwhelming.

I’ve coached many women. If you can just get one of those things done every single day you’re going to accomplish so much more than trying to do 10 things in one day. Just pick something and just do it! Those little things make a massive difference. So, don’t try to do 10 things in one day. Just do one thing in one day so I really encourage people to pay attention to how you’re spending your time because a lot of us say, “I’m so busy”. You’re not being productive. There’s a huge difference between being busy and being productive. It’s just keeping an eye on your end result. What do you want to accomplish over the next 90 days?

These things that you get and when those things get done, then you go have some fun and you give yourself that permission to go have lunch with your girlfriends, get up early and go have coffee. Identifying those windows of time where you can actually be productive and filling them with things that are income producing will get you closer to your end result. I encourage them to pay attention to how they’re spending their time.

I build and teach women to build business through social media and they thought they’ll fall into the scroll hole and all they’re doing is scrolling through Facebook. It takes so much time away from people. I do a thing called “brain dump”. This could be as simple as one little thing that I need to do for the day but it’s like you don’t forget anything and so then you’re able to pick, choose, organize and prioritize. You’re able to accomplish so much in such a short amount of time.

Most people I speak to want some sort of success in their life. Yet the fear of success is one of those fears that most people won’t face either personally or as an entrepuener!

Together, you can conquer that fear and design a life of your wildest dreams. I have found a better way and it is possible for you also.

I want to show you how I gave up working 6 days a week and 70+ hours a week behind the chair as a salon owner and created a multi 6 figure a year income from my Smart Phone, all while sending more time with the people and things that mean the most to me in life. Lets do this together. 

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If you are building your business and brand on social media you need this 5 day social media OVERHAUL. Most people I work with need this 5 day online course, because what they are doing isn’t working.

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